Science based business development training that actually sticks.

Too often, business development training is based on opinion, it’s out of date because it hasn’t kept pace with the changing client landscape, or it's simply delivered in a forgettable way. Worst of all, most training is designed to turn your teams into process robots armed with checklist after checklist.

We take a different approach. We aim not to tell team members what to do but to help harness and hone their natural judgment by giving them a deep understanding of client buying behavior.

Choose the program that best fits your needs.

Additional services

Diagnostics to assess skills and firm-level competencies. A 10 minute diagnostic tool that evaluates mindsets, behaviors and skills against the winning Activator business developer profile.

Activator Advantage Keynote presentations at partner retreats or leadership meetings, tailored to each firm’s preferences.

What makes the Activator Development System different?

Rooted in the latest research on what the best rainmakers do and what clients value

Bite-sized tools and best practices foster habit formation

Practical experiences that don’t require participants to learn a complex sales methodology